Thursday, April 16, 2009

Items I've Found Helpful to Have Around

Have you ever been looking through one of your many cookbooks and realized that every recipe in there requires a million ingredients that you don't have? Here are some things that I've found helpful to have around the house that are used in a lot of recipes that I've come across and that help to have when you are trying to put together a last-minute meal:

Peppers (I usually buy whichever color is the cheapest - those things are expensive!)
potatoes (both sweet and regular)
a few random frozen vegetables - your choice
canned peas and canned beans (we like black beans and ranch style beans)
Cream of Mushroom soup (you can get low fat, low sodium)
Cream of Chicken soup (same - it comes in the healthy version)
Buillon cubes and chicken broth (or vegetable broth for you vegetarians like my lovely sister)
ground turkey
chicken breasts
whole wheat pasta
cous cous

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